
Skikos Crawford

Speaker Bio

Mark Crawford is a founding partner of Skikos, Crawford, Skikos & Joseph LLP which specializes in representing individual consumers in pharmaceutical and medical device products liability litigation.  He is a graduate of Haverford College and UCLA School Law, and has been working in these fields for over 25 years.

Mr. Crawford currently is court-appointed Co-Lead Counsel for the California JCCP coordinated Fosamax proceedings, where he was lead appellate counsel for the plaintiff in Teva v. Superior Court, 217 Cal.App.4th 96 (2013), cert. denied, 2015 U.S. LEXIS 687 (U.S., Jan. 20, 2015), which found Buckman and Mensing did not apply to preclude failure to warn claims against a generic drug manufacturer.  Mr. Crawford also is court-appointed Co-Liaison Counsel for the California JCCP coordinated Risperdal proceedings, and he was appointed by the court to the Plaintiffs’ Steering Committee for the California JCCP coordinated Actos proceedings.  He and other members of his firm have held and continue to hold lead counsel roles in JCCP and MDL litigations including most recently for DePuy ASR Hip, Reglan, Gadolinium and Yaz/Yasmin.