Mr. Curtis Holmes is a Supervisory Paralegal for the Revenue Law Group. Mr. Holmes joined the Dept of Veterans Affairs with Office of General Counsel, in 2008. As a Paralegal for Region 13. He subsequently served in the following capacities within OGC, Probates, Loan Guaranty, Medical Mal-Practice Tort, Personal Claims and Recovery of funds under the Federal Medical Care Recovery Act. He Later help developed the Virtual Collections Group, a team of specialize legal professionals focused on Medical Care Cost Recovery cases, which eventually became the Revenue Law Group a national collections group. While working with the Revenue Law Group he created the Mass Litigation team, which is a specialized team that works with Multi-District Litigation (MDL) cases and Lien Resolution companies across the Country to resolve Mass litigation cases on behalf of the Dept of Veterans Affairs. Mr. Holmes has 17 Support Personnel, who are responsible for analyzing, and negotiating various types of Mass Litigation cases across the nation. He currently serves as the supervisor, responsible for support and operational functions of the Mass Lit Team and Mid-Atlantic Consolidated Patient Account Center (CPAC) team.
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Partner With Levin Papantonio
For many law firms, the best results often can be achieved by co-counseling with an established mass torts and class action law firm.MASS TORTS MADE PERFECT
We host bi-annual conferences in the spring and fall of each year, along with webinars throughout the year. All programs are designed for individuals working in the area of plaintiff mass torts and class actions.