Gary Goldberg is Senior Vice President of ARCHER, one of the nation's leading providers of lien resolution, Qualified Settlement Fund administration, claims administration, national bankruptcy and probate coordination, and other pre and post-settlement services to the legal industry. Mr. Goldberg is responsible for business development as well as client and project management within the company's single event and mass torts divisions. He has managed several billion dollars' worth of settlement programs involving tens of thousands of claimants and hundreds of individual law firms. He is a recognized expert in and frequent lecturer on the topics of lien resolution for both mass tort and single event cases, complex settlement administration, as well as Medicare Set-Asides and other Medicare Secondary Payer-related topics. Mr. Goldberg earned his B.S. in Finance and a master's degree in International Business from the University of Florida.
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Partner With Levin Papantonio
For many law firms, the best results often can be achieved by co-counseling with an established mass torts and class action law firm.MASS TORTS MADE PERFECT
We host bi-annual conferences in the spring and fall of each year, along with webinars throughout the year. All programs are designed for individuals working in the area of plaintiff mass torts and class actions.