

Speaker Bio

Gavriel Mairone is the founder of MM~LAW LLC, a law firm dedicated exclusively to advancing private human rights law by representation of victims of terrorism, crimes against humanity genocide, torture and human trafficking in private, mass-tort lawsuits to impose accountability upon the financiers, profiteers and aiders and abettors of the perpetrators of such crimes. MM~LAW particularly focuses on confronting the international financial and support infrastructure aiding and abetting the various terrorist organizations connected with global jihad.

In 2016 Gavi won Trial Lawyer of the Year by The Public Justice Foundation for his work as part of the team handling Linde v. Arab Bank. This was a mass tort consolidation case with 117 plaintiffs who were injured in suicide bombings and attacks in Israel, 40 wrongful death cases, along with 440 family members of those injured or killed. The plaintiffs claimed that Arab Bank knowingly provided financial support to terrorist leaders and the families of terrorist operatives, including suicide bombers. This case marks the first time that a financial institution has been brought to trial – and held liable –under the Alien Tort Claims Act. Also in 2016, Gavi was selected as one of the 100 top trial lawyers by The National Trail Lawyers.

Gavi Mairone has over 30years legal experience specializing in international taxation and business planning and specializing over the last decade in international human rights and humanitarian law, counterterrorism and transitional law. Gavi volunteers as a delegate to the United Nations Human Rights Council as well as serving on the International Human Rights Committee of the American Bar Association and the Subcommittees on Humanitarian Law and Human Rights and Corporate Responsibility. He is also a member of the American Association for Justice, the American Society of International Law, the International Bar Association and the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists.  Gavi also serves as member of the International and Legal Team of the Kurdish Regional Government Group for the Recognition of the Kurdish Genocide in London.

Education:   LL.M. Taxation, New York University Graduate School of Law; Juris Doctor Summa Cum Laude, Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago Kent College of Law, B.A. Philosophy, Hebrew University and Spertus College of Judaica.   Military:  Special ForcesAirborne, and Counterterrorism Ops, Israel Defense Force.  Gavriel Mairone is an expert in international money laundering and terrorist financing and a pioneer in the development of legal remedies available to victims of violations of international human rights law.

Gavi and MM~LAW currently represent over 10,000 victims of terrorism from 26 countries in complex lawsuits in the United States and in the European Union. MM~LAW have settled lawsuits with gross settlements exceeding $1.25 billion and, in addition, are in the process of enforcing judgments exceeding $8 billion against Iran and Sudan.  Gavi was co-author of the Compensation for Victims of State Sponsors of Terrorism Act (enacted on December 18, 2015), which established a fund with initial funding of over $1 billion, which will be distributed to clients holding judgments against Iran, Sudan, Syria, Cuba and North Korea.

Lawsuits initiated by MM-LAW on behalf victims vs:

  • Arab Bank Plc., US District Court Southern District New York
  • Republic Sudan, Islamic Republic Iran et al. US District Court Washington DC
  • El Paso Energy Corp., Bayoil (USA) Inc., et al. US District Court Houston Texas
  • Islamic Republic of Iran et al US District Court, District of Columbia
  • French providers of chemical weapons to Saddam Hussein Regime [UNDER SEAL], High Tribunal of Justice, Paris France
  • Chevron Corporation, US District Court San Francisco, CA
  • BNP Paribas, US District Court, District of Columbia
  • Credit Lyonnais SA, US District Court Southern District New York
  • National Westminster Bank Plc. US District Court, Southern District New York