
The Restaino Law Firm

Speaker Bio

Dr. John Restaino is the Founding Partner of the Restaino Law Firm, P.C.  located in Denver, Colorado.  Dr. Restaino practiced surgery of the foot and ankle from 1980 to 1990 and has practiced at the law since 1991.  He obtained his MPH from the Division of Epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in 2008. He brings a unique medical, surgical, and epidemiological approach to each litigation, mass tort or otherwise. Dr. Restaino is an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of South Carolina College of Pharmacy where he is actively involved in scientific pharmacovigilance.

John is ‘Senior Of Counsel’ to the Sanders, Philips and Grossman firm in addition to being ‘Senior Of-Counsel’ to the Aylstock, Witkin, Kreis and Overholt firm.

He has been or is the chair or co-chair of the Expert & Science Committees of numerous federal MDLs dating back to the Diet Pill MDL and is actively involved in both the medical and legal evaluation of the Taxotere/permanent alopecia issue, the proton pump inhibitors and acute interstitial nephritis issue, Onglyza, Risperdal, and, through his work at the University of South Carolina, has been extensively evaluation the issue of fluoroquinolone-associated disability disorder including aortic aneurysms, aortic dissections, sudden death and cardiac valvulopathy..

He has assisted in the development the science and experts from across the world in many of the mass tort litigations since 1991.  In addition, he has successfully defended experts under Daubert while successfully challenging defense experts.  Dr. Restaino has been involved in multiple mass tort trials including those involving Rezulin, PPA and Vioxx.

Dr. Restaino is asked to lecture across the country at both medical and legal programs. Dr. Restaino has also been a guest lecturer at both law schools and medical schools including the University of South Carolina, Harvard and Johns Hopkins.

Dr. Restaino has published peer-reviewed medical articles in addition to legal articles and written chapters in pharmaceutical law textbooks.