
Johnson Becker

Speaker Bio

Lisa Ann Gorshe has spent more than the last decade protecting the rights of clients injured by defective drugs, medical devices and products. She plays a pivotal role in the firm's commitment to successfully assist clients navigate the legal system to their advantage while representing individuals throughout the country in claims involving defective medical devices, harmful pharmaceuticals, and other dangerous and defective products. As the Managing Attorney for the firm, she oversees law office operations including case assignment, hiring, supervision and professional development of the law office staff.

Over the course of her career, she has developed an extensive background as a trial lawyer willing to vigorously prosecute claims on her client's behalf. In 2007, she was part of the USDC, Northern District of Ohio MDL welding fume trial team in Tamraz, et al. v. Lincoln Electric, et al. representing a former welder who suffered permanent brain damage as a result of his use of welding consumables. Further, she is respected by colleagues on both sides for her diligence to clients, even-tempered manner and ability to effectively mediate the differences between the sides.


When to see them

April 2

10:15 am Docket Masters: Navigating PACER, LexisNexis, and Beyond
11:30 am AI Unplugged: Exploring the Future, One Algorithm at a Time