
A Case for Women

Speaker Bio

Susan Jones Knape, President and CEO of A Case for Women and has long been regarded as an innovator in legal marketing. 

Prior to launching ACFW and ACFJ in 2015 with co-founder Jordan Knape, Susan served as Chief Marketing Officer for Baron & Budd, P.C. During her tenure at Baron & Budd, she developed the firm’s “Protecting What’s Right” brand and social media platforms, successfully transitioning Baron & Budd from a firm reliant on case referrals to a law firm that not only generated referrals but also “owned” the Google space for coveted terms such as mesothelioma lawyer. 

Before entering the legal field, Susan created national award-winning marketing campaigns for groups such as The American Heart Association and The Centers for Disease Control. 

She now oversees a team of 70 professionals and is passionate about providing potential plaintiffs with an empowering experience – from the moment they see an ad to the moment they sign up for legal action. 

Under Susan’s leadership over the last eight years, A Case for Women has developed long-standing relationships with leadership firms, garnering a reputation as the go-to marketer for high-quality and ethically compliant case acquisition with minimal attrition.

Susan is also the author of The Money Rules: 50 Ways Savvy Women Can Make More, Save More & Have More and serves as president of A Fund for Women, a 501(c)(3) founded by A Case for Women to assist women in immediate financial need.

She is dedicated to helping women change their lives by taking legal action and supporting plaintiff attorneys who fight vigorously for their clients.


When to see them

April 1

10:15 am Different Marketing Approaches and Finding the Right One for Your Firm
1:45 pm BREAKOUT SESSION: Leadership Bootcamp: Building the Next Generation of MDL and JPML Leadership

April 3

8:30 am Women in Legal Leadership Breakfast and Panel Discussion: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion – the Path Forward