Anthony C. “Tony” Munter represents the courageous individuals who report fraudulent claims made against federal and state government agencies. Mr. Munter has extensive experience in using the so called qui tam provisions of state and federal False Claims Acts to protect the rights of whistleblowers who want to stop fraud.
Tony Munter Leads in the False Claim Legal Field
Mr. Munter built one of the leading national False Claims Act practices while working for Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto, LLP. He helped expand the use of these laws into new industries, beyond healthcare and defense contracting, into fraud committed by financial institutions even before the Dodd-Frank financial reforms created the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) whistleblower offices. He also served as an attorney on False Claims Act issues for the National Whistleblower Center Legal Defense and Education Fund.
In these positions, Mr. Munter regularly advised attorneys on the special civil procedures involved in pursuing False Claims Act cases. He conducted seminars on the False Claims Act including those that delved into the practical issues lawyers face while integrating False Claims Act cases into more traditional tort claims practices.
Results for Whistleblowers and the Government
Mr. Munter’s false claims practice has resulted in successful whistleblower and government recoveries against defendants in the financial, defense, and health care industries. To date, the federal government has recovered tens of millions of dollars from cases he has filed, including a multi-million dollar settlement with a major bank accused of mortgage fraud, a settlement against a contractor accused of billing the U.S. Air Force for work done for its private clients, and a settlement against a major hospital center accused of fraudulent billing practices. He has filed cases in numerous federal jurisdictions, state courts, and with the IRS whistleblower office for tax fraud.
Due to his extensive experience and success as a leader in the field of False Claims Act law, Mr. Munter has conducted numerous seminars in the U.S. and around the world. That includes a seminar on the potential international application of False Claims Act law and the idea of individuals having the ability to sue on behalf of their governments for Integrity Action at the Open University in Budapest, Hungary. He has also worked abroad as an attorney, handling business immigration matters for premier Israeli corporate clients.
Professional Organizations and Associations
Mr. Munter serves with Integrity Action, an international anti-corruption organization, as part of the support team on the Help Desk. He is also a proud member of the National Employment Lawyers Association (NELA), and the Metropolitan Washington Employment Lawyers Association (MWELA) and he serves as a member of the State Advisory Panel for Special Education in the District of Columbia.
Mr. Munter is licensed to practice law and barred in Washington, DC and Massachusetts as well as the Federal District Court of the District of Columbia, The Federal District of Massachusetts, and the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals.