
Jun 2, 2020 2:00 pm EST


Regulatory Overview

  • Product Defect Analysis
  • Scope of Injuries
  • Intake Criteria
  • Litigation Horizon

How to get Elmiron cases through Facebook advertising.

CLE State Approvals

Alabama: 1.50 hours, course #231527
Arizona: 1.50 hours, reciprocity state
California: 1.50 hours, reciprocity state
Florida: 1.50 hours, course #pending
Georgia: 1.50 hours, course #272369
Louisiana: 1.50 hours, course #6084200602
Mississippi: 1.50 hours, no course code
Missouri: 1.80 hours, course #608542
New Jersey: 1.50 hours, reciprocity state
New York: 1.50 hours, reciprocity state
Ohio: 1.50 hours, course #pending
South Carolina: 1.50 hours, course #206587ADO
Texas: 1.50 hours, course #pending
Instructions to download Certificates of Attendance will be distributed soon.