New to MTMP?
If you’re new to Mass Torts, Now is the Time to Join Us!
Mass Torts Made Perfect seminars and webinars are designed for individuals working in the area of plaintiff mass torts, class actions, and personal injury litigation, and those looking to expand their practice to include these areas.
Made Perfect
learn strategy and insights
into the latest mass tort projects
The seminars and webinars are designed to maximize your ability to network and build relationships. You’ll learn what new mass tort and class action projects are emerging and how you can get involved — whether you wish to associate with co-counsel or handle the cases yourself and/or perform common benefit work at the MDL level, we are committed to working with you. You will find a home at MTMP – a place to get inspired, and get involved.

For many law firms, the best results often can be achieved by co-counseling with an established mass torts and class action law firm. Over the past three decades, Levin Papantonio has proudly paid hundreds of millions of dollars in co-counsel fees.
Connect with Levin Papantonio attorneys at MTMP and learn how to co-counsel on Class Actions, Drug Injuries, Medical Device Failures, Product Liability, Business Litigation, and Securities Fraud. When you enter a co-counsel arrangement with Levin Papantonio, you can be assured that your clients receive the best possible care and results.
Our wide variety of programs ensure that you will receive the latest on new and emerging mass torts projects.

MTMP Conferences — Build Relationships, Grow Your Practice
MTMP is live seminars twice a year in Las Vegas, as well as monthly webinars on everything from how to generate new cases and find plaintiffs to financing your litigation projects to the hottest emerging mass torts.

MTMP Connect Litigation Webinars
MTMP Connect isthe leading provider of FREE content covering the latest new on mass tort projects, new and emerging cases, case acquisitor, class actions, and professional development.

Paralegal College Webinars
Lawyers aren’t the only ones who need a new way to stay connect these days—paralegal who work hand in hand with their teams of lawyers need support as well. We offer free webinars for paralegals looking for professional development.

Trial Skills in Mass Torts
The best way to ensure top settlements is to first ensure you have the skills to try the case. Hear from some of the most successful trial attorneys in mass torts today. They will walk you through the skills that have worked for them as they tried the toughest cases in the country. We will also talk specifically about the most effective practices for taking depositions in mass tort cases.
Engage in the Latest Topics on Cases That Matter
The MTMP conferences and webinars are designed for individuals working in the area of plaintiff mass tort and class action litigation.
- Abiomed
- Allergan
- CA Wildfires
- Chemical Hair Relaxer
- GLP-1 RA Ozempic
- Hernia Mesh
- Human Trafficking
- Infant Formula NEC
- Insulin Overpricing
- Oxbryta
- Social Media Addiction
- Tepezza
- Referral Relationship
- Lead Generation
- Financing for Cases
- Ultra-Processed Food
You are eligible to attend MTMP if you are:
- An experienced mass tort or class action plaintiff lawyer looking to learn the latest about big projects and emerging torts
- A single-event plaintiff lawyer looking to expand your practice to include mass torts or class actions – either working on the cases, doing MDL common benefit work, or referring cases
- A plaintiff attorney seeking to learn more about how you can expand your practice with mass torts or class actions – our Nuts & Bolts track is for you
- Members of the legal services industry – you will have the opportunity to meet with lawyers from around the country – MTMP is built for networking
- National Trial Lawyers Attorney-Members can receive a $300 discount. Contact Hope Crew at mtmp@thentl.org for the discount code. National Trial Lawyers Paralegal-Members can receive a $200 discount.
- Trial School Attorney-Members can receive a $200 discount. Email admin@trialschool.org for the discount code.
- Multiple Attendee Discounts