

Speaker Bio

Specialising in dispute resolution means having a combination of unique skills, talent and knowhow. Quirijn has these, plus extensive courtroom experience and a proven track record as a negotiator. He knows that solutions take both persistence and flexibility.

Quirijn’s track record includes significant hands-on experience gained in the M&A practice of an international top tier law firm in the Netherlands. He then joined an Amsterdam-based corporate law boutique firm. While there, he was involved in directors liability cases, several takeover disputes, one of the most publicised bankruptcies of the Netherlands, and the largest collective action in the Netherlands ever.

He later was in-house counsel with the most significant representative of shareholders in the Netherlands, the Dutch Shareholders Association (Vereniging van Effectenbezitters). Being on the frontline in the market, he was a highly effective and visible spokesperson for shareholders, engaging in discussions with listed companies on corporate governance issues and managing related aspects of press relations. He also successfully negotiated a multiparty settlement for losses suffered by customers of Alex Vermogensbeheer, a Dutch asset manager.

Quirijn founded Bynkershoek in 2017.

Quirijn has published on procedural aspects of corporate inquiry proceedings in the Netherlands and on insolvency aspects of the Dutch securities book-entry administration.