
Aug 21, 2024 2:00 pm EST

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The Infant Formula Litigation is moving forward with tremendous momentum. Now is the time to pay attention to this litigation. A recent necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) infant formula trial concluded with a $495 million judgment against Abbott Laboratories. This is the second plaintiff verdict in recent trials aimed at resolving baby formula manufacturers’ liability for their products causing preterm babies to develop a serious condition in which bowel tissue dies. In March, a jury awarded a $60 million verdict to a St. Clair, Illinois, mother who alleged that Mead Johnson’s Enfamil formula caused her son to die from NEC.

These are the first of many anticipated wins for the Baby Formula Litigation against Abbott and Mead Johnson. You will have the opportunity to hear from the lawyers who have created such momentum in this litigation on this very informative MTMP Connect Webinar– please join us and hear first-hand how these verdicts were achieved, and how your firm can get involved in this incredibly important case.