Get an update from the team that discovered and is actively litigating this emerging environmental disaster. Learn about the state of the various litigations around the country. Learn about the fast evolving state of the science behind adverse effects on human health and the environment. Learn how you can find these cases and get involved in what is destined to be one of the largest environmental cases in modern history.
- Broughton Partners and what makes us different
- Discuss how appreciative we are of each firm taking on corporate negligence
- Discuss how we think it is so important and imperative that we all work together to stop corporate negligence.
- Discuss our role in PFAS and how we are looking to grow that
CLE State Approvals
Alabama: 1.50 hours, course #230519
Arizona: 1.50 hours, reciprocity state
California: 1.50 hours, reciprocity state
Florida: 1.50 hours, course #2002985N
Georgia: 1.50 hours, course #271009
Louisiana: 1.50 hours, course #6084200519
Mississippi: 1.50 hours, no course code
Missouri: 1.50 hours, course #606585
New Jersey: 1.50 hours, reciprocity state
New York: 1.50 hours, reciprocity state
Ohio: 1.50 hours, course #437220
South Carolina: 1.50 hours, course #206169ADO
Texas: 1.50 hours, course #174085763
Instructions to download Certificates of Attendance will be distributed soon.