
May 21, 2020 3:00 pm EST


Hear the latest news on the JUUL litigation from attorneys leading the coordinated MDL and JCCP proceedings in California state and federal courts. They will provide updates on the status of the litigation, progress to date, rulings of note, and next steps.

Claimant communication

Most firms, especially those taking personal injury or addiction claimants are going to be having a large number of claimants/prospective claimants to deal with

Best practices for claimant communication:

  • Lit specific web page
  • Separate toll free number for each lit
  • Train staff on the litigation so answers are consistent
  • Maintain records of each call


  • Get a bird’s eye view of your inventory, while being able to drill down to individual case details

Outsourcing as an option for firms with a limited back office, or with different needs due to COVID

CLE State Approvals

Alabama: 1.50 hours, course #230519
Arizona: 1.50 hours, reciprocity state
California: 1.50 hours, reciprocity state
Florida: 1.50 hours, course #2002986N
Georgia: 1.50 hours, course #271010
Louisiana: 1.50 hours, course #6084200521
Mississippi: 1.50 hours, no course code
Missouri: 1.50 hours, course #606587
New Jersey: 1.50 hours, reciprocity state
New York: 1.50 hours, reciprocity state
Ohio: 1.50 hours, course #437221
South Carolina: 1.50 hours, course #206170ADO
Texas: 1.50 hours, course #174085764
Instructions to download Certificates of Attendance will be distributed soon.