
Choose Your Path. Attend Any Session at Any Time.

The MTMP multi-track agenda allows for sessions to run concurrently, and attendees are able to move easily from one track to another. This format allows attendees to maximize their ability to choose the sessions that are of most importance to their practice. Here is a description of the various tracks:

Mass Tort Projects

In these sessions, you will hear directly from the lawyers on the front lines of the largest and most pressing current hot mass tort projects. Gain insights on where the project is headed and how you can avoid being left behind. You can’t get this kind of content anywhere but at MTMP.

Business of Law

The Business of Law Track is an opportunity to hear from leaders in the legal industry as they share their insights as to what is new and trending. This is the part of MTMP where you can find out what you can do to really grow your practice.​


Nuts & Bolts of Mass Torts

If you are an attorney just learning about mass torts, or attending MTMP for the first time, or if you are a paralegal who supports attorneys in a mass tort practice, then the Nuts & Bolts of Mass Torts Track is perfect for you. Learn the basics of how a mass tort case initiates and progresses, and the difference between mass torts and class actions.​


Trial Skills in Mass Torts

The best way to ensure top settlements is to first ensure you have the skills to try the case. Hear from some of the most successful trial attorneys in mass torts today. They will walk you through the skills that have worked for them as they tried the toughest cases in the country. We will also talk specifically about the most effective practices for taking depositions in mass tort cases.



MTMP has been delivering incredible content for lawyers for over 20 years – and we have recently added a track to teach your paralegals the skills they need to become an invaluable part of your team. We offer practical sessions addressing issues that paralegals deal with every day, including communication, drafting complaints, plaintiff fact sheets, and so much more. This is a great chance for paralegals to also connect with paralegals from around the country and share insights and best practices.

* Agenda subject to change

Select Date
  • Business of Law
  • Nuts & Bolts of Mass Torts
  • Trial Skills
  • Paralegal Skills
  • Mass Tort Projects
Business of Law
Time Topic Speaker(s) Location
7:00 am
Convention Lounge
7:00 am
Buffet Breakfast

Co-sponsored by CAMG

Exhibit Hall
7:00 am
Friends of Bill W. Meeting
Avize 1
8:30 am
Business of Law Begins

Co-sponsored by Quintessa Marketing

Cristal 5
8:30 am
What's New in Legal Advertising, Intake, and Lead Generation
Cristal 5
9:00 am
Advanced Marketing Strategies Your Competitors Are Overlooking

Unlock the hidden marketing tactics that give firms an edge.

Cristal 5
9:15 am
How to Leverage Artificial Intelligence Through Every Step of your Case
Cristal 5
10:15 am
Maximizing Claim Value from Case Intake Through Case Resolution
Cristal 5
10:30 am
Business of Law Track: Morning Break
Exhibit Hall
10:45 am
How to Build a New Project Like Ultra Processed Foods
Cristal 5
11:00 am
BREAKOUT SESSION: Litigating Sexual Assault Cases – how to best handle individual and mass cases

Litigating Sexual Assault Cases – What to expect from defendants, survivors, courts and current legislators.

The panel of experienced sexual assault litigators will discuss:

  • Effective strategies for prosecuting institutional and individual sexual assault claims
  • How to combat aggressive defense tactics
  • Managing client relationships in a trauma-informed manner
  • Legislative update
  • Appropriate marketing
11:15 am
Cost Effective Financing Options to Grow your Firm
Cristal 5
11:30 am
Digital Payments and Fraud Trends in Settlements
Cristal 5
12:00 pm
Growth Through Client Intake Accountability
Cristal 5
12:15 pm
Reduce Fraud and Streamline Client Intake
Cristal 5
12:30 pm
Traditional Media
Cristal 5
12:45 pm
Buffet Luncheon in the Exhibit Hall
Exhibit Hall
1:45 pm
Structured Settlements: Planning for a Secure Financial Future After an Injury
Cristal 5
1:45 pm
BREAKOUT SESSION: Leadership Bootcamp: Building the Next Generation of MDL and JPML Leadership

Building the Next Generation of MDL & JPML Leadership – This Leadership Breakout is a must-attend session for those looking to step into mass tort leadership roles. Learn from top litigators how to position yourself for MDL and JPML leadership and take your career to the next level.

Cristal 3
2:00 pm
Settlement Administration Strategies for 2025
Cristal 5
2:30 pm
A Behind-The-Scenes Look At The Mass Tort Marketing Process
Cristal 5
2:45 pm
Session Title TBD
Cristal 5
3:00 pm
Integrated Vendor Partnerships
Cristal 5
3:00 pm
BREAKOUT SESSION: A Fireside Chat with Mark Lanier and Steve Nober
3:15 pm
Session Title TBD
Cristal 5
3:30 pm
15 Charts Digital Marketers Don't Want You To See
Cristal 5
4:00 pm
Friends of Bill W. Meeting
Avize 1
4:00 pm
BREAKOUT SESSION: The California Wildfires Litigation
  • Anatomy of a case – what does a wildfire litigation case look like and how does it proceed?
  • Evaluating fault for the Eaton and Palisades Wildfires
  • Theories of liability – inverse condemnation
  • Who can bring a claim for property damages – owners vs renters
  • Navigating first party claims and subrogation issues
  • The California Wildfire Trust Fund – what is it, how does it work
Cristal 3
4:45 pm
Business of Law Track Adjourns
5:00 pm
Music, Mix and Mingle Reception Featuring Live Music by The Dissenters Band

Co-sponsored by Ringler Associates

6:00 pm
Opening Night Gala at XS Nightclub

Co-sponsored by Western Alliance Bank

XS Nightclub
8:15 pm
The XS After Party: A Celebration of Unity and Diversity at MTMP
Nuts & Bolts of Mass Torts
Time Topic Speaker(s) Location
7:00 am
Convention Lounge
7:00 am
Buffet Breakfast

Co-sponsored by CAMG

Exhibit Hall
7:00 am
Friends of Bill W. Meeting
Avize 1
8:15 am
Nuts & Bolts of Mass Torts Begins

Co-sponsored by CAMG

Cristal 3
8:15 am
Welcome Remarks: Introduction to the Program
Cristal 3
8:20 am
Who Matters in a Mass Tort MDL: The Judges, MDL and JPML Leadership
Cristal 3
8:50 am
Know When to Stay or Walk Away: Strategies to Evaluate a New and Emerging Mass Tort
Cristal 3
9:30 am
Legal Marketing in Transition: Analyzing Present Trends & Future Predictions

Where is legal marketing headed? Jon breaks it all down.

Cristal 3
10:00 am
Nuts & Bolts Track: Morning Break
Exhibit Hall
10:15 am
Different Marketing Approaches and Finding the Right One for Your Firm
Cristal 3
11:00 am
BREAKOUT SESSION: Litigating Sexual Assault Cases – how to best handle individual and mass cases

Litigating Sexual Assault Cases – What to expect from defendants, survivors, courts and current legislators.

The panel of experienced sexual assault litigators will discuss:

  • Effective strategies for prosecuting institutional and individual sexual assault claims
  • How to combat aggressive defense tactics
  • Managing client relationships in a trauma-informed manner
  • Legislative update
  • Appropriate marketing
11:00 am
You've Got Clients and Cases: Next Steps for Building the Project
Cristal 3
11:45 am
Being Prepared for Settlement
Cristal 3
12:15 pm
Nuts & Bolts of Mass Torts Track Adjourns
Cristal 3
12:30 pm
Buffet Luncheon in the Exhibit Hall
Exhibit Hall
1:45 pm
BREAKOUT SESSION: Leadership Bootcamp: Building the Next Generation of MDL and JPML Leadership

Building the Next Generation of MDL & JPML Leadership – This Leadership Breakout is a must-attend session for those looking to step into mass tort leadership roles. Learn from top litigators how to position yourself for MDL and JPML leadership and take your career to the next level.

Cristal 3
3:00 pm
BREAKOUT SESSION: A Fireside Chat with Mark Lanier and Steve Nober
4:00 pm
Friends of Bill W. Meeting
Avize 1
4:00 pm
BREAKOUT SESSION: The California Wildfires Litigation
  • Anatomy of a case – what does a wildfire litigation case look like and how does it proceed?
  • Evaluating fault for the Eaton and Palisades Wildfires
  • Theories of liability – inverse condemnation
  • Who can bring a claim for property damages – owners vs renters
  • Navigating first party claims and subrogation issues
  • The California Wildfire Trust Fund – what is it, how does it work
Cristal 3
5:00 pm
Music, Mix and Mingle Reception Featuring Live Music by The Dissenters Band

Co-sponsored by Ringler Associates

6:00 pm
Opening Night Gala at XS Nightclub

Co-sponsored by Western Alliance Bank

XS Nightclub
8:15 pm
The XS After Party: A Celebration of Unity and Diversity at MTMP
Trial Skills
Time Topic Speaker(s) Location
7:00 am
Convention Lounge
7:00 am
Buffet Breakfast

Co-sponsored by CAMG

Exhibit Hall
7:00 am
Friends of Bill W. Meeting
Avize 1
8:30 am
Trial Skills Begins

Co-sponsored by Filevine

Cristal 7
8:45 am
Welcome to the Trial Skills Track
Cristal 7
9:00 am
The Heart of the Story: Using Themes to Drive Powerful Narratives

Identifying case themes, utilizing a theme grid, and integration of high impact demonstratives are critical to effective litigation. Join this session as we demonstrate how to craft and execute concise themes in complex cases and take your witness examinations from ordinary to excellent.

Cristal 7
10:00 am
Trial Skills Track: Morning Break
Exhibit Hall
10:30 am
Forever Binding: Preparing an Effective Corporate Representative Deposition
Cristal 7
11:00 am
BREAKOUT SESSION: Litigating Sexual Assault Cases – how to best handle individual and mass cases

Litigating Sexual Assault Cases – What to expect from defendants, survivors, courts and current legislators.

The panel of experienced sexual assault litigators will discuss:

  • Effective strategies for prosecuting institutional and individual sexual assault claims
  • How to combat aggressive defense tactics
  • Managing client relationships in a trauma-informed manner
  • Legislative update
  • Appropriate marketing
11:15 am
Nailing the Deposition of the Defense Expert 
Cristal 7
12:00 pm
Your A.I. Powered Second Chair for Depositions
Cristal 7
12:15 pm
Buffet Luncheon in the Exhibit Hall
Exhibit Hall
1:30 pm
Mixed Method Approach to Jury Selection
Cristal 7
1:45 pm
BREAKOUT SESSION: Leadership Bootcamp: Building the Next Generation of MDL and JPML Leadership

Building the Next Generation of MDL & JPML Leadership – This Leadership Breakout is a must-attend session for those looking to step into mass tort leadership roles. Learn from top litigators how to position yourself for MDL and JPML leadership and take your career to the next level.

Cristal 3
2:15 pm
Talking in Pictures: Making Your Opening Visual
Cristal 7
3:00 pm
Trial Skills Track: Afternoon Break
Exhibit Hall
3:00 pm
BREAKOUT SESSION: A Fireside Chat with Mark Lanier and Steve Nober
3:30 pm
Spotting a Good Mass Tort or Single Event Case at Intake
Cristal 7
4:00 pm
Friends of Bill W. Meeting
Avize 1
4:00 pm
BREAKOUT SESSION: The California Wildfires Litigation
  • Anatomy of a case – what does a wildfire litigation case look like and how does it proceed?
  • Evaluating fault for the Eaton and Palisades Wildfires
  • Theories of liability – inverse condemnation
  • Who can bring a claim for property damages – owners vs renters
  • Navigating first party claims and subrogation issues
  • The California Wildfire Trust Fund – what is it, how does it work
Cristal 3
4:15 pm
Roundtable Discussion:  Q&A with the Trial Skills Faculty – Bring Your Tough Questions
Cristal 7
4:45 pm
Trial Skills Track Adjourns
5:00 pm
Music, Mix and Mingle Reception Featuring Live Music by The Dissenters Band

Co-sponsored by Ringler Associates

6:00 pm
Opening Night Gala at XS Nightclub

Co-sponsored by Western Alliance Bank

XS Nightclub
8:15 pm
The XS After Party: A Celebration of Unity and Diversity at MTMP
Paralegal Skills
Time Topic Speaker(s) Location
7:00 am
Convention Lounge
7:00 am
Buffet Breakfast

Co-sponsored by CAMG

Exhibit Hall
7:00 am
Friends of Bill W. Meeting
Avize 1
8:30 am
Paralegal Skills Begins

Co-sponsored by Supio

8:30 am
Welcome and Introduction to Mass Tort Paralegal College Caleb Cunningham, Esq., Levin Papantonio

An overview of the of the Paralegal College program as well as a brief overview of mass torts. Attendees will better understand the programming available to them and be given a high-level primer of mass torts practice.

9:00 am
Claim It or Leave It: Navigating Qualifying Claimants in Mass Tort Projects
9:30 am
Torts and Ports: Smooth Sailing for Mass Tort Client Onboarding
10:00 am
Paralegal Skills Track: Morning Break
Avignon Foyer
10:30 am
Ethics in Action: Keeping It Legal

We will introduce what State Bar Associations are saying about:

  • Unauthorized Practice of Law by Paralegals and Others
  • Discussions on how Paralegals can be held accountable for UPL, lost of job or litigation
  • How Paralegals can guard against client conflicts
  • Update on Artificial Intelligence in Legal Profession and the role of the Paralegal
11:00 am
BREAKOUT SESSION: Litigating Sexual Assault Cases – how to best handle individual and mass cases

Litigating Sexual Assault Cases – What to expect from defendants, survivors, courts and current legislators.

The panel of experienced sexual assault litigators will discuss:

  • Effective strategies for prosecuting institutional and individual sexual assault claims
  • How to combat aggressive defense tactics
  • Managing client relationships in a trauma-informed manner
  • Legislative update
  • Appropriate marketing
11:30 am
Tick Tock: Beating the Clock on Statutes of Limitations

This dynamic live session brings together the paralegal and attorney view on complexities surrounding statutes of limitations (SOLs). Attendees will gain critical insights into the nuances of SOLs, including:

  • Should You Really Be Using a Buffer? Understanding the practical use of safety margins in SOL cases.
  • What Is Tolling, and How Do We Track It? A breakdown of tolling events, their impact on timelines, and how to manage them effectively.
    Keeping an Eye on Legislative Changes: Monitoring and adapting to new laws affecting SOLs.
  • What Determines the SOL? A review of pivotal factors like date of injury, date of discovery, and which state’s SOL governs the case.
  • SOL Traps to Avoid: Spotlighting states without a discovery rule, one-year statutes, and other pitfalls.
  • Best Practices for SOL Cases: Actionable strategies to handle potential SOL issues with confidence and precision.
    Whether you’re new to handling SOL cases or a seasoned practitioner seeking to refine your approach, this panel offers indispensable guidance to safeguard your cases and enhance your legal expertise.
12:00 pm
When Food Isn’t Really Food: Unpacking the Ultra-Processed Food Litigation

This session will explore what makes an ultra processed food ‘ultra processed’, how these products came to dominate our food supply, the injuries they cause to adolescents, and strategies to tailor your work flow based on case specific criteria.

12:30 pm
Buffet Luncheon in the Exhibit Hall
Exhibit Hall
1:45 pm
BREAKOUT SESSION: Leadership Bootcamp: Building the Next Generation of MDL and JPML Leadership

Building the Next Generation of MDL & JPML Leadership – This Leadership Breakout is a must-attend session for those looking to step into mass tort leadership roles. Learn from top litigators how to position yourself for MDL and JPML leadership and take your career to the next level.

Cristal 3
1:45 pm
From Chaos to Clarity: Mastering Medical Records Management
2:30 pm
Staying in the Loop: Tools and Tips for Client Status Updates
3:00 pm
BREAKOUT SESSION: A Fireside Chat with Mark Lanier and Steve Nober
3:15 pm
Paralegal Skills Track: Afternoon Break
Avignon Foyer
3:45 pm
HIPAA Happens: Keeping Compliance Cool and Confidential
4:00 pm
Friends of Bill W. Meeting
Avize 1
4:00 pm
BREAKOUT SESSION: The California Wildfires Litigation
  • Anatomy of a case – what does a wildfire litigation case look like and how does it proceed?
  • Evaluating fault for the Eaton and Palisades Wildfires
  • Theories of liability – inverse condemnation
  • Who can bring a claim for property damages – owners vs renters
  • Navigating first party claims and subrogation issues
  • The California Wildfire Trust Fund – what is it, how does it work
Cristal 3
4:15 pm
Tuesday Paralegal Skills Track Adjourns
5:00 pm
Music, Mix and Mingle Reception Featuring Live Music by The Dissenters Band

Co-sponsored by Ringler Associates

6:00 pm
Opening Night Gala at XS Nightclub

Co-sponsored by Western Alliance Bank

XS Nightclub
8:15 pm
The XS After Party: A Celebration of Unity and Diversity at MTMP
Paralegal Skills
Time Topic Speaker(s) Location
7:00 am
Friends of Bill W. Meeting
Avize 1
7:00 am
Convention Lounge
8:00 am
Buffet Breakfast
Exhibit Hall
9:00 am
Paralegal Skills Track Begins

Co-sponsored by Supio

9:00 am
MTMP Opening Session: The Poisoning of a Generation - Ultra Processed Foods and Disease in America
Cristal 6
10:15 am
Docket Masters: Navigating PACER, LexisNexis, and Beyond

Docketing: What it is and why it’s crucial for case management, litigation strategy, motion practice, trial preparation, and client communication. Discuss the paralegal’s role in managing dockets.

Research Tools: Discuss key search features of LexisNexis and Westlaw. Best Practices: Discuss the importance of well-organized dockets, including regular review and updates, as well as collaboration to share information with team. PACER: Discuss efficient and cost-effective ways to navigate federal court dockets and share general navigation tips.

10:45 am
Paralegal Skills Track: Morning Break

Co-sponsored by Genesis Legal AI

Avignon Foyer
11:00 am
Empathy in Action: Trauma-Informed Communication Strategies for Paralegals
11:30 am
AI Unplugged: Exploring the Future, One Algorithm at a Time

Takes a deep dive into the transformative role of artificial intelligence in modern legal practice. This session examines the potential of AI to reshape case management, client interactions, and data analysis while addressing critical ethical considerations and practical applications. Discover how innovative algorithms are driving the legal field forward and explore actionable strategies for leveraging AI responsibly to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and client outcomes.

12:15 pm
Luncheon and Keynote Address by Terry Bradshaw and Trial Lawyer Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony

Co-sponsored by Broughton Partners

Cristal 6
2:15 pm
AI-Powered Paralegals: Supercharging Your Skills, Not Replacing Them

Join Supio for an engaging session tailored specifically for personal injury law firm paralegals! Discover how AI can be your secret weapon to work smarter, not harder. This presentation will show you how AI is helping paralegals bring more value to their firm. We’ll debunk the myth that AI is here to replace legal professionals and instead reveal how it empowers paralegals to play an even more vital role in achieving client success. We will share the legal AI tools that will help support you throughout the entire lifecycle of a case from intake, value assessment and demand generation—all the way through to litigation. You’ll see how embracing AI makes your job easier, your casework stronger, and your value to the firm indispensable.

2:30 pm
Witnessing Excellence: Mastering Expert Witness Coordination
2:30 pm
BREAKOUT SESSION: Breaking the Silence: Holding the Mormon Church Accountable for Abuse & Cover-Ups
  • Helpline Protocol & Systemic Cover-Up: Examination of the Mormon Church’s internal helpline system—its role in enabling abuse, silencing victims, and the broader history of systemic sexual abuse and institutional cover-ups.
  • Human Sex Trafficking (HST) & Its Legal Implications: Understanding how Human Sex Trafficking laws apply to the Mormon Church and the potential impact on ongoing legal cases.
  • Consolidation, MDL, & JCCP Updates: What consolidation means for survivors and the legal process—details on the California JCCP and recent MDL hearing (including the decision and what that means for all the parties involved).
  • Call for action: Guidance on the legal road ahead—how survivors can take action, what lawyers need to know, and the collective effort to seek justice and accountability.
Cristal 3
3:15 pm
E-Discovery Demystified: A Paralegal's Guide to the Digital Frontier
3:45 pm
Paralegal Skills Track: Afternoon Break

Co-sponsored by Genesis Legal AI

4:00 pm
Friends of Bill W. Meeting
Avize 1
4:15 pm
PFAS Case Update
4:30 pm
Wednesday Paralegal Track Adjourns / Paralegal Happy Hour

Co-sponsored by Levin Papantonio and Weitz & Luxenberg

Avignon Patio
5:30 pm
Exhibit Hall Cocktail Party

Co-sponsored by Broughton Partners

6:45 pm
Evening Entertainment: A Conversation with and Musical Performance by Miranda Lambert

Co-sponsored by Eve

Mass Tort Projects
Time Topic Speaker(s) Location
7:00 am
Friends of Bill W. Meeting
Avize 1
7:00 am
Convention Lounge
8:00 am
Buffet Breakfast
Exhibit Hall
8:30 am
Mass Torts Projects Track Begins
Cristal 6
8:30 am
Talc Litigation Update
Cristal 6
9:00 am
MTMP Opening Session: The Poisoning of a Generation - Ultra Processed Foods and Disease in America
Cristal 6
10:00 am
Depo Provera Litigation Update
Cristal 6
10:30 am
Mass Torts Projects Track: Morning Break

Co-sponsored by Genesis Legal AI

Exhibit Hall
11:00 am
PFAS Litigation Update
Cristal 5
11:30 am
Navigating Mass Torts from the Unique Perspective of the Judiciary; Practical Guidance and Insightful Observations.
  • Judicial Intimidation: recognize, react, and remedy
  • Navigating Rule 16.1 and best strategic practices
  • Selecting a PSC in the current political and litigation funding landscape
  • Lone Pine, Science Days, Multi-Plaintiff Trials, and Reverse Bifurcation
  • Direct Filing and Bundling in MDLs
  • Perpetuation videotaping of experts and key witnesses at trial
  • Navigating Bankruptcy; Texas “2 Step” drill down
Cristal 5
12:15 pm
Luncheon and Keynote Address by Terry Bradshaw and Trial Lawyer Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony

Co-sponsored by Broughton Partners

Cristal 6
2:15 pm
GLP-1RA/Ozempic MDL Update
Cristal 5
2:30 pm
BREAKOUT SESSION: Breaking the Silence: Holding the Mormon Church Accountable for Abuse & Cover-Ups
  • Helpline Protocol & Systemic Cover-Up: Examination of the Mormon Church’s internal helpline system—its role in enabling abuse, silencing victims, and the broader history of systemic sexual abuse and institutional cover-ups.
  • Human Sex Trafficking (HST) & Its Legal Implications: Understanding how Human Sex Trafficking laws apply to the Mormon Church and the potential impact on ongoing legal cases.
  • Consolidation, MDL, & JCCP Updates: What consolidation means for survivors and the legal process—details on the California JCCP and recent MDL hearing (including the decision and what that means for all the parties involved).
  • Call for action: Guidance on the legal road ahead—how survivors can take action, what lawyers need to know, and the collective effort to seek justice and accountability.
Cristal 3
2:45 pm
Hall of Fame Panel
Cristal 5
3:30 pm
Mass Torts Projects Track: Afternoon Break

Co-sponsored by Genesis Legal AI

Exhibit Hall
4:00 pm
Friends of Bill W. Meeting
Avize 1
4:00 pm
NEC Infant Formula Case Update
Cristal 5
4:30 pm
Social Media Addiction Case Update
Cristal 5
5:00 pm
Panel Discussion: Court-Appointed Neutrals in Mass Torts
Cristal 5
5:30 pm
Wednesday Mass Tort Projects Track Adjourns
5:30 pm
Exhibit Hall Cocktail Party

Co-sponsored by Broughton Partners

6:45 pm
Evening Entertainment: A Conversation with and Musical Performance by Miranda Lambert

Co-sponsored by Eve

Paralegal Skills
Time Topic Speaker(s) Location
7:00 am
Friends of Bill W. Meeting
Avize 1
8:00 am
Buffet Breakfast
Exhibit Hall
8:00 am
Convention Lounge
8:30 am
Women in Legal Leadership Breakfast and Panel Discussion: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion – the Path Forward

Co-sponsored by A Case for Women and Grant & Eisenhofer

DEI programs all over the country are beginning to disappear, or be severely limited or restricted. The mass torts world has benefited over the years from diversity initiatives that have helped all of us create a more even playing field for everyone – women, people of different races, religions and backgrounds – to participate in a system that represents diverse plaintiffs.

Our breakfast panel discussion will focus on:

  1. How the DEI label has been misconstrued and misunderstood
  2. How can we continue to support DEI
  3. What issues might firms begin to face if they want to continue their DEI hiring practices
  4. What negative impact could restricting DEI at firms and companies have, and how can we as individuals and members of firms stay involved and promote fairness?
  5. The impact this will have on judges setting leadership slates in MDLs
  6. How can we stay true to our core principals and values but not open our firms or companies up to liability?
  7. Celebrating diversity – finding the silver lining
Cristal 3
10:00 am
Paralegal Skills: Track Begins

Co-sponsored by Supio

10:00 am
Empowered Inside and Out: Inner Work for Legal Professional Success
11:00 am
Paralegal Skills Track: Morning Break

Co-sponsored by NIB Direct

11:15 am
Torts in the Spotlight: Depo Provera, Camp Lejeune & Ozempic Case Updates
12:00 pm
Working Lunch — Boxed Lunches Provided Co-sponsored by Business Funding Group

Co-sponsored by Business Funding Group

Exhibit Hall
12:15 pm
Settlement Secrets: A Deep Dive for Paralegals
1:15 pm
No Settlement, No Problem: Trial Skills Every Paralegal Needs
2:00 pm
Conference Adjourns
Mass Tort Projects
Time Topic Speaker(s) Location
7:00 am
Friends of Bill W. Meeting
Avize 1
8:00 am
Buffet Breakfast
Exhibit Hall
8:00 am
Convention Lounge
8:30 am
Women in Legal Leadership Breakfast and Panel Discussion: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion – the Path Forward

Co-sponsored by A Case for Women and Grant & Eisenhofer

DEI programs all over the country are beginning to disappear, or be severely limited or restricted. The mass torts world has benefited over the years from diversity initiatives that have helped all of us create a more even playing field for everyone – women, people of different races, religions and backgrounds – to participate in a system that represents diverse plaintiffs.

Our breakfast panel discussion will focus on:

  1. How the DEI label has been misconstrued and misunderstood
  2. How can we continue to support DEI
  3. What issues might firms begin to face if they want to continue their DEI hiring practices
  4. What negative impact could restricting DEI at firms and companies have, and how can we as individuals and members of firms stay involved and promote fairness?
  5. The impact this will have on judges setting leadership slates in MDLs
  6. How can we stay true to our core principals and values but not open our firms or companies up to liability?
  7. Celebrating diversity – finding the silver lining
Cristal 3
8:30 am
Mass Torts Projects Begins
Cristal 5
8:30 am
Fighting Back Against Big Pesticides Immunity Legislation
Cristal 5
9:00 am
Suboxone Case Update

Plaintiffs Preparing for Discovery: With the motions to dismiss resolved, plaintiffs are now gearing up for the discovery phase, where critical evidence will be exchanged to support their claims.

Upcoming Filing Deadline: The next significant filing deadline is fast approaching, marking an important milestone as the litigation progresses.

Court Establishes Census Program: To streamline case management, the court has implemented a census program to gather detailed information about the claims and better organize the litigation.

Cristal 5
9:30 am
Ethical Considerations in Sexual Abuse Cases
Cristal 5
10:30 am
Mass Torts Projects Track: Morning Break

Co-sponsored by NIB Direct

Exhibit Hall
10:45 am
BREAKOUT SESSION: Human Trafficking Litigation Update
Cristal 3
10:45 am
Chemical Hair Relaxer Case Update
Cristal 5
11:15 am
Oxbryta Litigation
Cristal 5
11:45 am
Uber/Lyft Litigation
Cristal 5
12:00 pm
Working Lunch — Boxed Lunches Provided Co-sponsored by Business Funding Group

Co-sponsored by Business Funding Group

Exhibit Hall
12:15 pm
Bard Implanted Port Catheter MDL Update
Cristal 5
12:45 pm
Camp Lejeune Litigation Update
  • Tack One Cases Progress: The initial cases under the Camp Lejeune Justice Act are advancing in the Eastern District of North Carolina. These cases are setting the stage for how subsequent claims may proceed.
  • Expert Reports in Progress: The plaintiff leadership group is actively preparing expert reports. These reports are crucial for establishing evidence and shaping the narrative for the upcoming trials.
  • Preparation for Bellwether Trials: Teams are gearing up for the first round of bellwether trials. These trials are pivotal in testing legal theories and evaluating potential outcomes for the broader litigation.
  • Government’s Motion Practice Intensifies: The U.S. government continues to file motions to challenge claims, requiring plaintiffs to respond with robust legal arguments and evidence to keep their cases moving forward.
  • Navy JAG Evaluations for Elective Option Qualification: The Navy Judge Advocate General (JAG) is actively assessing claimants to determine their eligibility for the Elective Option, a process that could streamline resolution for certain cases.
Cristal 5
1:15 pm
Quick Hits
  • Valsartan
  • Tepezza
  • Paragard
  • Gardasil
Cristal 5
2:00 pm
Conference Adjourns